San Francisco: Patriot Prayer rally cancelled. 'Hundreds of counterprotesters marched on the streets of San Francisco on Saturday, the same day that organizers of a right-wing group canceled their events and moved locations, saying they wanted to avoid a riot. ...' (Washington Post)
Kurdistan: Ammo dump explosions prompt confiscated weapons re-think. 'After explosions at two separate weapons storage sites of the Zeravani Peshmerga in August, the command of the force have said that they will destroy all weapons confiscated from ISIS militants to prevent similar incidents being repeated in the future. The announcement came a day after a weapon storage facility of the force near Erbil International Airport exploded Saturday night that caused a fire and a loud bang that could be heard in the city center. ...' (Rudaw)
Israel: IAF completes F-35 order from USA. 'The Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv announced Sunday, that Israel had completed its purchase of two squadrons of the F-35 stealth plane for its air force, after adding another 17 aircraft to the list. ...' (Debka)
Commentary: Liberty Wolf on cancelled SF rally. 'Today my beautiful old hometown San Francisco celebrated mob rule and the death of freedom of speech. Congratulations San Francisco! On the urging of your corrupt political class, including Mayor Lee and Nancy Pelosi, you ran a ragged bunch of black men, Latino men, a white woman, a Muslim woman, a Samoan, and assorted other “white supremacists” out of town. How brave, how courageous, how righteous. What a very sad day and what a silly bunch of people. Maybe I am lucky not to have witnessed this in person.'
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